Daddy Daughter Date Night
Dads and Daughters in 3rd-6th grade are invited to a fun evening including dinner and activities.
March 14th from 6-8pm
Cost to attend is $35 per person.
Registration Deadline is March 10th

2025 Women's Retreat
2025 Women’s Retreat at Twin Rocks Friends Camp!
April 4-6
Cost is $210 per person.
Registration Deadline - March 14, 2025

Priorities - A 7th & 8th Grade Retreat
To all students going into 7th or 8th grade in the Fall of 2025, welcome to youth group! We will be enjoying a night away at the beach. During this event, you'll get to dive into God's Word, build relationships with youth and youth leaders, and have lots of fun! Space is limited so sign up soon!

2025 Youth Gathering
Held every 3 years, the LCMS provides thousands of youth and adults with the opportunity to come together as a community to worship, serve, and be encouraged in their walk with Christ. The event is for all those at least 14 years old, or going into 9th grade, and no older than 20 years old.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $150.
Register by October 27th, 2024, pay $500. Register by February 23rd, 2025, pay $750. Register by April 27th, 2025, pay $1000.
Registration closes on April 27th, 2025. All fees need to be paid by July 1, 2025. Please be sure to fill out all the attached documents when you register.
Contact Braedon Thompson braedon@trinityhillsboro.com

Youth Lock-in
We will have a youth (7-12th grade) lock in starting at 8pm on Friday, December 20th, ending at 8am on Saturday December21st. Join us for a fun night of games, Bible study, movies, and fellowship. Please sign up by Sunday, December 15th.

Youth Zoo Lights Outing
Here’s all the details for you: Zoo Lights sells tickets online only for a specific time and you are limited to how many you can purchase at one time. So, you will purchase your tickets online on your own again this year. You can purchase tickets here: https://go.oregonzoo.org/#/SpecialEventsCategory/ZLWNGA (they are $20) You’ll need a phone with you to have your downloaded tickets or you can print from home. We’ll be going to Zoo Lights on Friday, November 22nd, 2024, and have a walk in time of 7:00pm (Please purchase your tickets for November 22nd, 2024 at 7:00pm). There is a limit of tickets available so please purchase earlier rather than later. We’ll meet at the Fairgrounds MAX station at 6:00pm with a goal to get on the MAX around 6:30pm to then head to the Zoo, you’ll be purchasing your own MAX tickets when you arrive or use a hop card if you have one. Once we ride the MAX into the tunnel, we’ll enter the Zoo at 7:00pm and walk around for an hour or so. You can walk around wherever you’d like, but you must be with a buddy or group and have a cell phone with you. Our goal is to meet at 8:15pm by the gate to try and get onto the MAX at 8:30pm. Depending on the train schedule, we should be back around 9:00-9:30pm. The fare to ride the MAX is $2.50 for youth and $5 for anyone 18+.
>>> So to recap, you purchase your tickets to Zoo Lights online (and YOU MUST send me an email or text that you’ve done so). When you arrive at the MAX, have cash or card or any other payment ready to get your MAX ticket and your tickets downloaded on your phone. We’ll ride the train, see the lights, and ride the train back. If you want to purchase hot chocolate, elephant ears or something from the gift shop, then please bring extra money with you.
**If money is a problem for you, please reach out to me for options, we never want money to be a reason that your youth does not participate in activities.**

Women’s Pray and Play Spa Day
Join us for a fun, relaxing, nurturing spa playdate for women, 7th grade girls & up w/ an adult.
Childcare provided
Contact Margaret Nickodemus at mgtmd19@gmail.com with questions.
Men's Retreat 2024
Trinity Men’s Retreat October 11th - 13th at the Christian Renewal Center in Silverton, OR.
Cost is $175 per participant that covers lodging for 2 nights, 6 meals, and a T-Shirt.

Tree to Tree Youth & JAM Outing
Join us for a fun adventure at Tree to Tree, which consists of six self-guided aerial obstacle courses, set high in the trees. To do all six courses takes 3-4 hours. The event is for 3rd-12th grade (3rd-6th must have parent participation).
Meet at the church by 12:15pm, or meet at Tree to Tree by 12:45.
Cost is $25 per person. All participants must fill out a waiver form,in the link provided after registering.
Deadline to sign up is September 22nd

Grief Share
A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.
We will be offering GriefShare at Trinity every Sunday from 2pm-4pm, starting September 15th, 2024.
Contact Braedon Thompson with any questions (braedon@trinityhillsboro.com)

High School Mission Trip 2024
For incoming 9th graders through graduated seniors for a week long mission trip through Glocal Missions in Costa Rica. There is a non-refundable registration fee of $100 to secure your spot on the trip, you will not be considered registered until the registration fee is paid.
Early-bird registration by December 1, cost is $500.
Register by February 1, cost is $750.
Last chance registration is April 1, cost is $1000.
The total cost per person is $1500, meaning those attending will need to participate in fundraisers.

Family Night Hops Game
For our next Family night on May 29th, we will be heading over to the Hillsboro Hops game! Youth and JAM families are welcome to join us at 5:30, in the stadium parking lot for a light meal (we will quit serving food at 6:15pm, the game starts at 6:35pm). The event will cost $8, and parking at the stadium is $6.
There are no chairs allowed where will be sitting, bring blankets to sit on.
Contact Braedon Thompson or Rene Barringer with any questions.

Mother Son Disc Golf & BBQ
Moms and sons in 3rd-6th grade are invited to a fun evening including a BBQ dinner and Disc Golf. We will meet at Dairy Creek park at 6pm. Cost to attend is $10 per person. Please provide your own lawn chair. Discs will be provided.

Trinity Women's Retreat
"Sowing Seeds of Peace"
Join us for a weekend getaway filled with rest, refreshment and renewal at Christian Renewal Center in Silverton Oregon
Date: May 3-5
Cost $175 (Fee includes retreat supplies, lodging & meals)

Youth Movie Night
March 1st from 6pm-10pm, we will be having a movie night. We will be watching the “Jesus Revolution” movie, which our current study has been based off of. We will have pizza, popcorn, and other snacks to enjoy during the movie. "Jesus Revolution" is a PG-13 movie, so parents please be aware of this. Sign up here!

5th Wednesday Family Game Night
Join us on January 31st from 6-8pm for our 5th Wednesday Family Night. We will serve a spaghetti dinner at 6pm. BINGO starts at 6:30pm.
Volunteer Opportunities & Questions: Contact Rene@trinityhillsboro.com

Youth Lock-In
We will have a youth (7-12th grade) lock in starting at 8pm on Friday, December 8th, ending at 8am on Saturday December 9th. Join us for a fun night of games, Bible study, movies, and fellowship. Please sign up by Sunday, December 3rd.

"Narrow Road, But Never Alone - Men's Retreat"
Come join us for a time of fellowship while we gather around the Word in this lovely retreat setting.
Click here for further details and to register

Young Adults Meet & Greet
The Young Adults Meet & Greet get together will be Saturday August 5th, at Trinity Lutheran, at 12:30pm. We will be gathering together, eating pizza, and talking about what our group will look like. Please RSVP , with the link below, so that I can order enough pizzas. Email me with any questions at braedon@trinityhillsboro.com

Generations Over Dinner
Sign-up for a multi-generational dinner to have an enlightening conversation between generations. Dinners can be potlucks or however the host decides. Conversation topics will be suggested. Dinner commitments are monthly. February dinner option dates are Friday 5/19, Saturday 5/20 or Sunday 5/21. Sign-up in the church lobby or here. Last day to sign-up is May 11.
Questions: Contact Ben Manny at bmanny@frontier.com or Rene@trinityhillsboro.com

Discipleship Parenting Group
Join us for a informational meeting to learn discipleship parenting. At this meeting you will learn how this bi-monthly course can help you and your children grow spiritually.
Neighborhood Witness Event
We will again go out in pairs into our neighborhood to pray for people. We will gather at the church at 9:30am on March 18th for instructions and we will go out from 10am - 12 noon.
This is a great way to love our neigbors and witness about Christ.
Family Fun Game Night
Join us for a fun evening of Bingo, spaghetti dinner, prizes and family activities. Sign up here is appreciated though not required to attend. Cost is $5 per family.
If you have questions or are available to volunteer at this event contact Rene@trinityhillsboro.com.
Generations Over Dinner
Sign-up for a multi-generational dinner to have an enlightening conversation between generations. Dinners can be potlucks or however the host decides. Conversation topics will be suggested. Dinner commitments are monthly. February dinner option dates are Friday 2/24, Saturday 2/25 or Sunday 2/26. Sign-up in the church lobby or here. Last day to sign-up is February 16.
Questions: Contact Ben Manny at bmanny@frontier.com or Rene@trinityhillsboro.com

Glocal Mission Gala watch party
"Igniting the Great Commission Glocally" as we look forward to sharing our God stories and exciting plans to seek, disciple and multiply Jesus’ love with you. This year they are looking to raise $50,000 that will go to critical key areas of mission work. We are so thankful of all of our generous and faithful supporters who make it possible for more and more people to enter into God’s great commission work!

Men's Retreat
Men’s Retreat at Christian Renewal Center. Ages 14+
22444 N Fork Rd SE, Silverton, OR 97381

How Do I Share Jesus With Others?
Register for our class “How Do I Share Jesus With Others?”

F3 - Family, Faith Building, & Fellowship
Come join us on the second Sundays of the month at around 11:45am-12pm after the late service
for a time to gather around a meal, parents to learn and engage with a parenting topic
(while the kids go play for a bit), and then come together as a family to practice that skill

Glocal Mission Online Gala
Join us for the Glocal Mission Online Gala on November 6th at 4pm. We’ll gather in the Worship Center to view the Gala together and then have a supper afterwards.

Family, Faith Building, & Fellowship
Come join us Sunday October 10th at around 11:45am-12pm after the late service
for a time to gather around a meal, parents to learn and engage with a parenting topic
(while the kids go play for a bit), and then come together as a family to practice that skill